
Friday, January 8, 2016

Katherine Gallivan turns 79

 Katherine Gallivan Punch turns 79

I feel close to Mother and often call on Dad to guide and protect the grandchildren he never knew.  I feel nostalgic tonight as I come to the end of this 51 year old journal.  Wilf worries me.  I fear he is headed for blindness.  Where is my faith???


Jim is still excitable and steadfast and straight from the shoulder honest.  Enthusiastic about life!  Whenever he puts the cape on, he is still Zorro!!! He still thinks if he could get on top of the clothesline, he could fly over the roof.  He is a dedicated teacher of the young.  He loves Susan-he loves his family.  God Bless Him!!  I love you, Jimmy!
I have often been lonesome for you-but you have always been there-very close.  God Bless your Girls.


  Michael is firmly attached to home, just as he was to McDougall Street.  He needs its shelter, although he wouldn’t for the world admit it.  He is sentimental and loving to the point where he still can’t mention Mother without tears in his eyes.  He is a strong family man-stubborn, and with the Michael Gallivan stormy temper-but controls it most of the time.  Donna is his haven, his support; he loves her very much-I wonder if he ever tells her?? 
  At 8 months I handed you to Mother and went back to work.  It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life…to give up my baby.  But we all survived-“it was all for the best”.  You were her little love.  God Bless you Michael, I love you.  P.S. thank you for the many ‘light bulbs’ etc.. the companionship, etc.


   I should never have run to catch the street car, as it rattled over the high line after I closed the Steelton Library at 9 p.m.  Pre-natal influence has you still running.  Mea Culpa!  You were always ahead of yourself.  You performed for a photographer at 6 months.  You spoke your first word, a comment on a daffodil, “fower” at 8 months.  You never slept as other children did. (I used to rattle the pages of Dr. Spock to find out where you fit and I never did find you).  You stood and walked at 9 months.  You confounded me in your teens and flew the nest at 17 for Toronto. Granny’s prayers had you meet John and marry him, an asset to our family. You have been my support in many family crises thank you.  I lost you there from time to time.  I love you very much.  God Bless you and John and your sons.


  You are the complex one-the storm and sunshine-you were my experience with natural childbirth-too impatient to be born to wait for the doctor.  A whirlwind in the babe-tenda  doing wheelies throughout the house before you could walk.  You knew the words but waited until you put them into sentences to begin to talk.  I made poor decisions about your education-was pressed into letting you “accelerate”.  You were talented in
whatever you did-whether it was yo-yos, orals or nursing.  I should have forced you into medicine!
   You loved Joel, not wisely, but too well.  You made a very difficult decision and lived with it, because you loved your children, and feared for them.  Why did you always try to compensate for the father they never ever had??  Thank you for helping me through a very low point in my life-and for always being there in spite of once threatening to report me to the Children’s Aid!  I love you, Suzanne.  God Bless you and Christina and Steven and Joanna.

   I haven’t said anything the way I wanted to say it.  I am getting maudlin.  Here’s to the entrance to my 80th year.  Hope the remainder of my years is as interesting as the first 80.  (How do I say this??)
However…here’s to tomorrow!
Mary Jane Michael Suzanne Jimmy and Katherine Gallivan  the Mom in the front..

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