July 1, 1967:
This year, cottage less, we have decided to
see Algoma first. Mary and I decided, as Jim is routed to the golf course, Wilf
is just routed.
Dominion Day, the Canadian roads being clogged with American tourists, we
headed across the International Border south into Michigan. Felt a little
guilty because it was Canada's 100th birthday, but my arthritic feet dictated
my patriotism today.
planned a 130 departure which meant that I was able to get dinner for Wilf and
Mary was able to feed the golf bugs.
However 10 minutes before
departure time the phone rings, “Kay you won't believe it! Nora is vomiting all
over the place”. “Well happy summer!” I answered. She hasn't any temperature, “I’ll
bring a pail, will you hold her and then we can go”? “Let’s” I answered.
So we
went,Mary Anne, Sheila, Catherine, Nora and Michael, headed for a beach 45 miles south, one which I had seen six or seven years
ago. We never did find it!
finally settled for a break in the bush that led to a rocky swampy bit of Lake
Huron shore. We parked the car beside the picnic table and went down to sit on
rocks, while the children waded in the rocky water.
We came back to
spread our picnic and a touring couple had taken over the table and stared
belligerently at us when we stared in astonishment. Oh well, by that time all
roadside tables were occupied. There was no public park in Cedarville so we
headed in the general direction of Canada.
Finally there was an
abandoned hunting shack (this is upper Michigan deer country), with a mowed
clearing. We sat in the stubble and ate, holding Nora's head at intervals,
while the girls played baseball and picked wild strawberries.
It rained on the way
home! End of trip number one!
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